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While using Xubuntu 12.04 with XFCE two of my settings simply vanishedout of the settings manager window. This happened after I used the proprietary drivers for my AMD graphics card. I didn't notice the issue until after I reverted back the FLGRX settings a couple of months later ... since I was no longer able to adjust certain window manager and compositing tweaks after reverting. It's weird because I completely purged the proprietary drivers and experienced *ZERO* problems on the system anywhere. No errors, freezes, boot issues, nothing ... everything worked 100% fine, except for the fact that the Window Manager & Window Manager Tweaks symbols disappeared.
Eventually I figured out that I could re-create those two items with custom launchers that contained the commands xfwm4-settings (Window Manager) in one launcher, and xfwm4-tweaks-settings (Window Manager Tweaks) in the other launcher. It wasn't a big deal and I figured this was just a minor bug that would be fixed in the next version of Xubuntu with XFCE. Well, day before yesterday I upgraded my system to Xubuntu 12.10 ... and those two settings manager items are still missing.
Is that strange or what? Now I'm trying to figure out if this is a Xubuntu issue, or of this is actually an XFCE bug?
(I know that the settings manager upgraded too because now I have the new theme configuration included.)
Any thoughts or ideas? Thanks.
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Can you post back the contents of the following two files:
- /usr/share/applications/xfce-wm-settings.desktop
- /usr/share/applications/xfce-wmtweaks-settings.desktop
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Okay, color me crazy but the only thing that's in /usr/share/applications ... are a bunch of icons ... which do include the Window Manager and Window Manager Tweaks. Perhaps I'm not understanding your request correctly? I do have "show hidden files" enabled in the file manager but I did not use admin privileges for folder access since /usr/share normally doesn't require that.
EDIT ... Alright, just got access as root. There are two other folders in usr/share/applications. One of them is KDE and the other one is Screensavers. Neither one of those folders contains anything with XFCE in it. Just as a by note, no, I do not use KDE nor have I ever installed it on this machine. A couple of my smaller games are KDE games though which explains the existence of KDE related items on my system.
EDIT 2 ... Found the files in /home/user/.local/share/applications ... was not able to open them with a text editor for strictly viewing though. I was reluctant to open them directly as I received an "untrusted application" message on the screen which gave me concern that if I open those files while they or a part of them is already running on the system, opening such a file might cause my system to crash? I don't know enough about Linux to activate unknown system files without knowing if that will instantly cause a problem, or not?
Perhaps you can enlighten me what might happen if I launch either of those files?
Last edited by WinRiddance (2013-12-18 22:42:46)
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The files in /usr/share/applications will show up as icons. While looking at the icons, you can right click the mouse in an area that isn't on an icon, select "open terminal" then do a "ls" command. You will see the files have a ".desktop" extension. These are plain text files and can safely be opened in an editor.
I was startled myself when I was first getting used to Xfce and found only icons there. If I hadn't been an ole command line guy I wouldn't have known what to do either. Hope this helps.
Okay, thanks, that worked. I was able to get the contents of those two files in text format but I can't for the life of me imagine how that can be useful. Well, here we go ... the content of the window tweaks file, followed below that by the contents of the second file:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Window Manager Tweaks
Name[am]=የመስኮት አስተዳዳሪ ማሰማመር
Name[ar]=تعديلات لمدير النوافذ
Name[ast]=Axustes del xestor de ventanes
Name[be]=Наладкі Кіраўніка вокнаў
Name[bg]=Мениджър на прозорците (допълнителен)
Name[bn]=উইন্ডো ব্যবস্থাপক টুইক
Name[ca]=Ajustaments avançats del gestor de finestres
Name[cs]=Vyladění správce oken
Name[da]=Vindueshåndtering tweaks
Name[de]=Feineinstellungen des Fensterverhaltens
Name[el]=Προσαρμογή διαχειριστή παραθύρων
Name[en_GB]=Window Manager Tweaks
Name[eo]=Rafina Agordo de la Administradilo de Fenestroj
Name[es]=Ajustes del gestor de ventanas
Name[et]=Aknahalduri ülehäälestamine
Name[eu]=Leiho kudeatzaile ezarpenak
Name[fi]=Ikkunamanagerin viritys
Name[fr]=Peaufinage des fenêtres
Name[gl]=Axustes do xestor de xanelas
Name[he]=הגדרות נוספות של מנהל החלונות
Name[hi]=विन्डो प्रबंधक सुधार
=Postavke Upravitelja Prozora
Name[hu]=Ablakkezelő hangolása
Name[id]=Tweak Manajer Jendela
Name[it]=Regolazioni del gestore delle finestre
Name[ja]=ウィンドウマネージャー (詳細)
Name[kk]=Терезелер басқарушысының қу баптаулары
Name[ko]=창 관리자 기능향상
Name[lt]=Langų tvarkyklės patobulinimai
Name[lv]=Logu pārvaldnieka piedares
Name[mk]=Подобрувања на менаџерот за прозорци
Name[nb]=Vindusbehandler Tweaks
Name[nl]=Vensterbeheerder bijstellen
Name[nn]=Finstill vindaugshandsamaraen
Name[pa]=ਵਿੰਡੋ ਮੈਨੇਜਰ ਟਵੀਕ
Name[pl]=Menedżer okien
Name[pt]=Ajustes do gestor de janelas
Name[pt_BR]=Ajustes do Gerenciador de Janelas
Name[ro]=Ajustări pentru ferestre
Name[ru]=Диспетчер окон (дополнительно)
Name[sk]=Pokročilé nastavenie správcu okien
Name[sq]=Rregullime të Imta për Përgjegjës Dritaresh
Name[sr]=Лицкање управника прозора
Name[sv]=Justeringar för fönsterhanterare
Name[tr]=Pencere Yöneticisi İnce Ayarları
Name[ug]=كۆزنەك باشقۇرغۇ Tweaks
Name[uk]=Налаштування менеджера вікон
Name[ur]=ونڈو منیجر کار کردگی
Name[ur_PK]=ونڈو منیجر کار کردگی
Name[vi]=Tinh chỉnh của trình quản lí cửa sổ
Comment=Fine-tune window behaviour and effects
Comment[ar]=تهذيب سلوك و تأتيرات النافذة
Comment[ast]=Axuste finu de comportamientu y efeutos de ventanes
Comment[bg]=Допълнителна настройка на мениджъра на прозорците и ефектите
Comment[bn]=ফাইন-টিউন উইন্ডো আচরণ ও প্রভাব
Comment[ca]=Ajusta el comportament i els efectes de les finestres
Comment[cs]=Doladění chování okna a efektů
Comment[da]=Fin-indstil vindueopførsel og effekter
Comment[de]=Nehmen Sie Feineinstellungen am Fensterverhalten und den Fenstereffekten vor
Comment[el]=Ρύθμιση συμπεριφοράς παραθύρων και φαινόμενων
Comment[en_GB]=Fine-tune window behaviour and effects
Comment[es]=Ajuste fino de comportamiento y efectos de ventanas
Comment[eu]=Leiho portaera eta efektuak doitu
Comment[fi]=Hienosäädä ikkunoiden käytöstä ja tehosteita
Comment[fr]=Ajuster le comportement des fenêtres et leurs effets
Comment[gl]=Afinar o comportamento e os efectos das xanelas
Comment[hi]=समनुरुपण विंडो का व्यवहार व प्रभाव ठिक करें
=Detaljno postavljanje ponašanja prozora i efekata
Comment[hu]=Ablakviselkedés és -effektusok finomhangolása
Comment[id]=Atur perilaku jendela dah efek
Comment[it]=Regolazione del comportamento della finestra e delle scorciatoie
Comment[kk]=Терезе әрекеттерін мен жарлықтарды туралау
Comment[ko]=창 동작 및 효과 최적화
Comment[lt]=Konfigūruokite langų elgseną ir efektus
Comment[lv]=Noskaņot logu uzvedību un efektus
Comment[nb]=Finjuster vindusoppførsel og effekter
Comment[nl]=Fijnregeling venstergedrag en -effecten
Comment[nn]=Finstill korleis vindaugo og effektar verkar
Comment[pl]=Konfiguruje ustawienia menedżera okien oraz efekty wizualne
Comment[pt]=Configurar comportamento e efeitos das janelas
Comment[pt_BR]=Ajustes finos do comportamento e efeitos das janelas
Comment[ro]=Optimizați efectele și comportamentul ferestrelor
Comment[ru]=Дополнительная настройка поведения окна и эффектов
Comment[si]=Fine-tune window behaviour and effects
Comment[sk]=Doladenie správania okna a efektov
Comment[sq]=Rregulloni më imët efekte dhe sjellje dritaresh
Comment[sr]=Фино подесите понашање прозора и ефекте
Comment[sv]=Finjustera fönsterbeteende och effekter
Comment[tr]=Pencere davranışı ve olaylarını ayarla
Comment[ug]=كۆزنەك ھەرىكىتى ۋە ئۈنۈمىنى ئىنچىكە تەڭشەش
Comment[uk]=Тонке налаштування заголовку вікна і ефектів
Comment[ur]=ونڈو کا سلوک اور ایفیکٹ مرتب کریں
Comment[ur_PK]=ونڈو کا سلوک اور ایفیکٹ مرتب کریں
Okay, and here's the content of the window manager f ...
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Window Manager
Name[am]=ማስኮት አስተዳዳሪ
Name[ar]=مدير النوافذ
Name[ast]=Xestor de ventanes
Name[az]=Pəncərə İdarəçisi
Name[be]=Кіраўнік вокнаў
Name[bg]=Мениджър на прозорците
Name[bn]=উইন্ডো ব্যবস্থাপক
Name[bn_IN]=উইন্ডো পরিচালন ব্যবস্থা
Name[ca]=Gestor de finestres
Name[cs]=Správce oken
Name[el]=Διαχειριστής παραθύρων
Name[en_GB]=Window Manager
Name[eo]=Administradilo de Fenestroj
Name[es]=Gestor de ventanas
Name[es_MX]=Gestor de Ventanas
Name[eu]=Leiho kudeatzailea
Name[fa]=مدیر پنجره
Name[fr]=Gestionnaire de fenêtres
Name[gl]=Xestor de xanelas
Name[gu]=વિન્ડો વ્યવસ્થાપક
Name[he]=מנהל חלונות
Name[hi]=विन्डो प्रबंधक
=Upravitelj prozora
Name[id]=Manajer Jendela
Name[it]=Gestore delle finestre
Name[kk]=Терезелер басқарушысы
Name[ko]=창 관리자
Name[lt]=Langų tvarkyklė
Name[lv]=Logu pārvaldnieks
Name[mk]=Менаџер за прозорци
Name[mr]=विण्डो व्यवस्थापक
Name[ms]=Pengurus Tetingkap
Name[pa]=ਵਿੰਡੋ ਪ੍ਰਬੰਧਕ
Name[pt]=Gestor de janelas
Name[pt_BR]=Gerenciador de Janelas
Name[ro]=Manager de ferestre
Name[ru]=Диспетчер окон
Name[si]=කවුළු කළමනාකරු
Name[sk]=Správca okien
Name[sq]=Përgjegjës Dritaresh
Name[sr]=Управник прозора
Name[te]=విండో నిర్వాహకం
Name[tr]=Pencere Yöneticisi
Name[ug]=كۆزنەك باشقۇرغۇ
Name[uk]=Менеджер вікон
Name[ur]=ونڈو منیجر
Name[ur_PK]=ونڈو منیجر
Name[vi]=Trình quản lí cửa sổ
Comment=Configure window behavior and shortcuts
Comment[ar]=إعداد سلوك و إختصارات النافذة
Comment[ast]=Configura'l comportamientu de ventanes y atayos
Comment[bg]=Настройка на поведението на прозорците и клавишните комбинации
Comment[bn]=উইন্ডোর আচরণ ও শর্টকাট কনফিগার
Comment[ca]=Configura el comportament de les finestres i de les dreceres
Comment[cs]=Konfigurace chování okna a klávesových zkratek
Comment[da]=Indstil vindueopførsel og genveje
Comment[de]=Passen Sie das Fensterverhalten und die Fenstertastenkürzel an
Comment[el]=Ρύθμιση συμπεριφοράς παραθύρων και συντομεύσεων
Comment[en_GB]=Configure window behaviour and shortcuts
Comment[es]=Configure el comportamiento de ventanas y atajos
Comment[eu]=Leiho portaera eta lastre-teklak konfiguratu
Comment[fi]=Muokkaa ikkunoiden käytöstä ja pikanäppäimiä
Comment[fr]=Configurer le comportement et les raccourcis des fenêtres
Comment[gl]=Configurar o comportamento e os atallos das xanelas
Comment[hi]=समनुरुपण विंडो का व्यवहार व शॉर्ट्कट
=Postavi ponašanje prozora i prečica
Comment[hu]=Ablakviselkedés és gyorsbillentyűk beállítása
Comment[id]=Atur perilaku jendela dan jalan pintas
Comment[it]=Configurazione del comportamento della finestra e delle scorciatoie
Comment[kk]=Терезе әрекеттерін мен жарлықтарды баптау
Comment[ko]=창 동작 및 바로 가기를 설정합니다
Comment[lt]=Konfigūruoti lango elgseną ir susiejimus
Comment[lv]=Konfigurēt loga uzvedību un īsceļus
Comment[nb]=Sett opp vindusoppførsel og hurtigtaster
Comment[nl]=Configureer venstergedrag en sneltoetsen
Comment[nn]=Set opp åtferda og utsjånaden for vindaugo
Comment[pl]=Konfiguruje ustawienia okien i skróty klawiszowe
Comment[pt]=Configurar comportamento e atalhos das janelas
Comment[pt_BR]=Configure o comportamento e atalhos das janelas
Comment[ro]=Schimbați comportamentul ferestrelor și scurtăturile
Comment[ru]=Настройка поведения окна и комбинаций клавиш
Comment[si]=කවුළු හැසිරීම් හා කෙටිමං වින්යාස කරන්න
Comment[sk]=Konfigurácia správania okna a klávesových skratiek
Comment[sq]=Formësoni sjellje dhe shkurtore dritareje
Comment[sr]=Подесите понашање прозора и пречице
Comment[sv]=Konfigurera fönsterbeteende och genvägar
Comment[tr]=Pencere davranışı ve kısayollarını yapılandır
Comment[ug]=كۆزنەك ھەرىكىتى ۋە تېزلەتمىنى سەپلەش
Comment[uk]=Налаштувати заголовок вікна і ярлик запуску
Comment[ur]=ونڈو کا سلوک اور شارٹ کٹ وضع کریں
Comment[ur_PK]=ونڈو کا سلوک اور شارٹ کٹ وضع کریں
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Thanks - I wanted to see if there was anything in those files that was causing the applets to not appear. However, there is nothing (it looks normal).
Are these files from /usr/share/applications?
If so, do the files also exist in ~/.local/share/applications?
Have you edited the menus at all?
What files exist in ~/.config/menus?
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Yes, those posted results were from /usr/share/applications and also yes, those files appear in /local/share/applications as well. I'm not sure if I understand what you mean by "have you edited the menus at all" because anything I've ever done was strictly the kind of changes that the settings manager is made for. I was pretty sure that this strangeness had something to do with purging the proprietary catalyst files ... since this began directly afterwards.
Granted, I didn't notice it immediately ... but I also didn't change anything else.
Like I said, it's really not a big deal since those two items can be recreated with the proper commands, even in symbol form to be clicked on. I was just surprised that the version upgrade didn't make the correction in the "new" settings manager. Here's the content of my file which is the only file that's located in /.config/menus
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
PUBLIC '-//freedesktop//DTD Menu 1.0//EN'
<MergeFile type="parent">/etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu/menus/</MergeFile>
I don't see anything of relevance there either.
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If those same desktop files exist in ~/.local/share/applications, then they will take precedence to the ones in /usr/share/applications. You can either post back the contents of the ones in ~/.local/share/applications or simply delete them (backup first) as the ones in /usr/share/applications look good.
You might also want to delete (backup first) the ~/.config/menus/ file as it is modified from the original which you will find in /etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu/menus. Looks like it was modified to include synaptic, but also specifies /home/winriddance/.local/share/applications as the AppDir and I'm not sure whether that might be affecting your menus.
Last edited by ToZ (2013-12-21 23:49:57)
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Thanks for the assist. I'm not going to worry about it anymore. It's okay "as is" and my post was more out of curiosity than anything else. Since I'm still pretty certain ... based on AMD proprietary driver experience of the past ... that that's where the issue began, I'll be leaving this post as unsolved.
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