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Hi, gentoo-2.6.28-r5 and xfce-4.4.3
Since two days problem with a panel. I have a panel #1 on the bottom with seven windows: works fine. But I have a second panel on the right side of the desktop "vertical". Now, the icons don't anymore appear vertically, but are hidden the one behind the others in the iconbox I put in this panel #2.
When I put this panel horizontally, all the icons appear.
How can I do to have again this panel #2 vertically and showing all the icons of the opened windows?
Thank you for your help.
Problem ,solved: the reason was I upgraded gtk+ after putting it in package.keywords to unmask it.
I masked it back, and then got a stable version of gtk+
The panel #2 works now fine again.
I write this message in case it could help somebody else who has the same problem.
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