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Pages: 1
My terminal window has an annoying green border, which I can't get rid of. I've tried 'rm -rf .config/ .gconf/ .gconfd/ /tmp/gconfd-* /tmp/orbit-*' after logout, and the border is still there next time I login. This happened after I tried 'compiz' out of curiosity (and obvious it didn't work).
Did you compile compiz yourself? They you'll be able to look for library files that are changed.
Barring that, figure out the library dependencies for terminal window and exo and re-install them.
Compiling an application (like comiz) does not alter Xfce libraries, but maybe some gtkrc settings have changed or some weird Xorg settings are still enabled and xfwm4 doesn't know how to handle them...
it looks like terminal is setting bg[NORMAL] to #00ff00 but just for the xfwm. try moving/deleting ~/.config/Terminal
It looks like a gnome issue it happends to me open gnome teme manager and change it I remember that there is an option to integrate gnome into Xfce, try other TERMINAL programs and test.
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