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#1 2025-01-17 10:46:22

From: ON, Canada
Registered: 2008-10-25
Posts: 601
LinuxFirefox 134.0

Some Odd Differences Since Wayland

I've recently noticed a difference in how the desktop is displayed between X and Wayland. At least one window is trying to use CSD when I have CSD explicitly set to NO-CSD. This one is under wayland. A couple other things are puzzling as well. The desktop menu is different between x and wayland. I'm not sure if this is intentional or not? I've posted a couple pics to demonstrate. You'll notice as well that the xfce4-about dialog is reporting differently about the hardware(the GPU in particular). I should also mention my wayland of choice is Labwc.

Xfce4 4.20 on X

Xfce4 4.20 on Wayland

Debian Sid
Xfce 4.20 with Wayland/Labwc


#2 2025-01-17 19:48:32

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,677
LinuxFirefox 133.0

Re: Some Odd Differences Since Wayland

That is odd. I see the same menus between X11/wayfire/labwc.

Which window is CSD?

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#3 2025-01-17 20:10:04

From: ON, Canada
Registered: 2008-10-25
Posts: 601
LinuxFirefox 134.0

Re: Some Odd Differences Since Wayland

ToZ wrote:

Which window is CSD?

Right now all I've seen is the Xfce4-about window shown in the above pic. You can see the double title bar. What is really strange is the system spec reporting, the gpu is reported differently. I haven't dug any further to see if there is more. The menu is a strange one as well. I'll have to log into wayfire and see what happens there.

Added later 09 min 49 s:
Now it gets stranger. I just logged into a wayfire session and there are no window title bar icons(close, full screen etc). The xfce4-about window is reporting the same as labwc. I don't know why it's different from X. It' been a week or so since I logged into wayfire and the icons were there then. No attempt at CSD at least.

Debian Sid
Xfce 4.20 with Wayland/Labwc


#4 2025-01-18 00:38:33

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,677
LinuxFirefox 134.0

Re: Some Odd Differences Since Wayland

That is odd. If you change the appearance theme, does it make it any better?

Also, whats in your wayfire.ini config file?

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#5 2025-01-18 13:29:23

From: ON, Canada
Registered: 2008-10-25
Posts: 601
LinuxFirefox 134.0

Re: Some Odd Differences Since Wayland

I tried to change the appearance but it made no difference in wayfire with the buttons. The theme changes but that's it.
This is my wayfire,ini. As mentioned, it was all working the last time I logged into a wayfire session. I've also noticed that the settings manager window is also trying to use CSD.

min_value = 0.100000
modifier = <alt> <super> 

close_animation = fire
duration = 400ms circle
enabled_for = (type equals "toplevel" | (type equals "x-or" & focusable equals true))
fade_duration = 400ms circle
fade_enabled_for = type equals "overlay"
fire_color = \#B22303FF
fire_duration = 300ms linear
fire_enabled_for = none
fire_particle_size = 16.000000
fire_particles = 2000
open_animation = fire
random_fire_color = false
startup_duration = 600ms linear
zoom_duration = 500ms circle
zoom_enabled_for = none

autostart_wf_shell = true
desktop = xfdesktop
ibus = /usr/libexec/ibus-ui-gtk3 --enable-wayland-im --exec-daemon --daemon-args "--xim --panel disable"
portal = /usr/libexec/xdg-desktop-portal-wlr
session = xfce4-session

blur_by_default = type is "toplevel"
bokeh_degrade = 1
bokeh_iterations = 15
bokeh_offset = 5.000000
box_degrade = 1
box_iterations = 2
box_offset = 1.000000
gaussian_degrade = 1
gaussian_iterations = 2
gaussian_offset = 1.000000
kawase_degrade = 3
kawase_iterations = 2
kawase_offset = 1.700000
method = kawase
saturation = 1.000000
toggle = none

binding_1 = KEY_SYSRQ
binding_2 = <alt> KEY_F2
command_1 = xfce4-screenshooter
command_2 = xfce4-appfinder --collapsed
command_volume_down = pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -10%
command_volume_up = pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +10%
repeatable_binding_volume_down = KEY_VOLUMEDOWN
repeatable_binding_volume_up = KEY_VOLUMEUP

background_color = \#1A1A1AFF
close_top_view = <super> KEY_Q | <alt> KEY_F4
focus_button_with_modifiers = false
focus_buttons = BTN_LEFT | BTN_MIDDLE | BTN_RIGHT
focus_buttons_passthrough = true
max_render_time = -1
plugins = alpha animate autostart command cube decoration expo fast-switcher fisheye foreign-toplevel grid gtk-shell idle invert move oswitch place resize shortcuts-inhibit switcher vswitch wayfire-shell window-rules wobbly wrot zoom input-method-v1 ipc wm-actions xdg-activation
preferred_decoration_mode = client
transaction_timeout = 100
vheight = 4
vwidth = 4
xwayland = true

activate = <alt> <ctrl> BTN_LEFT
background = \#1A1A1AFF
background_image = /home/dan/Pictures/Wallpapers/xfce4-grill.jpg
background_mode = skydome
cubemap_image = /home/dan/Pictures/Wallpapers/xfce4-grill.jpg
deform = 0
initial_animation = 350ms circle
light = true
rotate_left = <alt> <ctrl> KEY_LEFT
rotate_right = <alt> <ctrl> KEY_RIGHT
skydome_mirror = false
skydome_texture = 
speed_spin_horiz = 0.020000
speed_spin_vert = 0.020000
speed_zoom = 0.070000
zoom = 1.000000

active_color = \#222222AA
border_size = 4
button_order = minimize maximize close
font = sans-serif
ignore_views = none
inactive_color = \#333333DD
title_height = 30

background = \#1A1A1AFF
duration = 300ms circle
inactive_brightness = 0.700000
keyboard_interaction = true
offset = 10
toggle = <super> KEY_E
transition_length = 200

close_fingers = 20
move_delay = 750
move_fingers = 3

activate = <alt> KEY_ESC
activate_backward = <alt> <shift> KEY_ESC
inactive_alpha = 0.700000

active_accent = \#F5F5F5FF
active_border = \#1D1F21E6
active_outline = \#000000FF
active_title = \#1D1F21FF
border_size = 35 10
button_size = 18
button_style = simple
corner_radius = 15
debug_mode = false
extra_themes = 
font = sans-serif
font_size = 21
hovered_close = \#FF6572FF
hovered_max = \#60FC79FF
hovered_min = \#FFE450FF
icon_size = 20
icon_theme = hicolor
ignore_views = none
inactive_accent = \#E1DFFEFF
inactive_border = \#1D1F21E6
inactive_buttons = false
inactive_outline = \#000000FF
inactive_title = \#1D1F21FF
layout = a | icon P4 title | minimize p maximize p close p | Atrtl -
max_title_size = 750
normal_close = \#C24045FF
normal_max = \#2EBB3AFF
normal_min = \#C89E2BFF
outline_size = 0
padding_size = 8
round_on = all

radius = 450.000000
toggle = <ctrl> <super> KEY_F
zoom = 7.000000


duration = 300ms circle
restore = <super> KEY_DOWN | <super> KEY_KP0
slot_b = <super> KEY_KP2
slot_bl = <super> KEY_KP1
slot_br = <super> KEY_KP3
slot_c = <super> KEY_UP | <super> KEY_KP5
slot_l = <super> KEY_LEFT | <super> KEY_KP4
slot_r = <super> KEY_RIGHT | <super> KEY_KP6
slot_t = <super> KEY_KP8
slot_tl = <super> KEY_KP7
slot_tr = <super> KEY_KP9
type = crossfade


cube_max_zoom = 1.500000
cube_rotate_speed = 1.000000
cube_zoom_speed = 1000
disable_initially = false
disable_on_fullscreen = true
dpms_timeout = -1
screensaver_timeout = 3600
toggle = none

click_method = default
cursor_size = 24
cursor_theme = default
disable_touchpad_while_mouse = false
disable_touchpad_while_typing = false
drag_lock = false
gesture_sensitivity = 1.000000
kb_capslock_default_state = false
kb_numlock_default_state = false
kb_repeat_delay = 400
kb_repeat_rate = 40
left_handed_mode = false
middle_emulation = false
modifier_binding_timeout = 400
mouse_accel_profile = default
mouse_cursor_speed = 0.000000
mouse_natural_scroll = false
mouse_scroll_speed = 1.000000
natural_scroll = true
scroll_method = default
tablet_motion_mode = default
tap_to_click = true
touchpad_accel_profile = default
touchpad_cursor_speed = 0.000000
touchpad_scroll_speed = 1.000000
xkb_layout = us
xkb_model = 
xkb_options = 
xkb_rules = evdev
xkb_variant = 

output = 

enable_text_input_v1 = true
enable_text_input_v3 = true

preserve_hue = false
toggle = <super> KEY_I



activate = <super> BTN_LEFT
enable_snap = true
enable_snap_off = true
join_views = false
preview_base_border = \#404080CC
preview_base_color = \#8080FF80
preview_border_width = 3
quarter_snap_threshold = 50
snap_off_threshold = 10
snap_threshold = 10
workspace_switch_after = -1

next_output = <super> KEY_O
next_output_with_win = <shift> <super> KEY_O
prev_output = 
prev_output_with_win = 

depth = 8
mode = auto
position = auto
scale = 1.000000
transform = normal
vrr = false

mode = center

last_output_focus_timeout = 10000

activate = <super> BTN_RIGHT
activate_preserve_aspect = none

allow_zoom = false
bg_color = \#1A1A1AE6
close_on_new_view = false
duration = 750ms circle
inactive_alpha = 0.750000
include_minimized = false
middle_click_close = false
minimized_alpha = 0.450000
outer_margin = 0
spacing = 50
text_color = \#CCCCCCFF
title_font_size = 16
title_overlay = all
title_position = center
toggle = <super> KEY_P
toggle_all = 

bg_color = \#00000080
case_sensitive = false
font_size = 30
overlay = true
share_filter = false
text_color = \#CCCCCCCC


break_grab = none
ignore_views = none
inhibit_by_default = none

animation_duration = 0ms circle
button_move = <super> BTN_LEFT
button_resize = <super> BTN_RIGHT
inner_gap_size = 5
keep_fullscreen_on_adjacent = true
key_focus_above = <super> KEY_K
key_focus_below = <super> KEY_J
key_focus_left = <super> KEY_H
key_focus_right = <super> KEY_L
key_toggle = <super> KEY_T
outer_horiz_gap_size = 0
outer_vert_gap_size = 0
preview_base_border = \#404080CC
preview_base_color = \#8080FF80
preview_border_width = 3
tile_by_default = all

next_view = <alt> KEY_TAB
prev_view = <alt> <shift> KEY_TAB
speed = 500ms circle
view_thumbnail_rotation = 30
view_thumbnail_scale = 1.000000

background = \#1A1A1AFF
delta_threshold = 24.000000
duration = 180ms circle
enable_free_movement = false
enable_horizontal = true
enable_smooth_transition = false
enable_vertical = true
fingers = 4
gap = 32.000000
speed_cap = 0.050000
speed_factor = 256.000000
threshold = 0.350000

background = \#1A1A1AFF
binding_down = <alt> <super> KEY_DOWN
binding_last = 
binding_left = <alt> <super> KEY_LEFT
binding_right = <alt> <super> KEY_RIGHT
binding_up = <alt> <super> KEY_UP
duration = 300ms circle
gap = 20
send_win_down = 
send_win_last = 
send_win_left = 
send_win_right = 
send_win_up = 
with_win_down = 
with_win_last = 
with_win_left = <alt> <shift> <super> KEY_LEFT
with_win_right = <alt> <shift> <super> KEY_RIGHT
with_win_up = <alt> <shift> <super> KEY_UP
wraparound = false

toggle_menu = <super> 


clip_shadow_inside = true
enabled_views = type is "toplevel" & floating is true
glow_color = \#1C71D8FF
glow_emissivity = 1.000000
glow_enabled = false
glow_intensity = 0.600000
glow_radius_limit = 100
glow_spread = 10.000000
glow_threshold = 0.030000
horizontal_offset = 0
include_undecorated_views = false
light_type = gaussian
overscale = 1.000000
shadow_color = \#00000070
shadow_radius = 40
vertical_offset = 5

minimize = none
send_to_back = none
toggle_always_on_top = none
toggle_fullscreen = none
toggle_maximize = none
toggle_showdesktop = none
toggle_sticky = none

friction = 3.000000
grid_resolution = 6
spring_k = 8.000000

all_dialogs_modal = true
app_id_mode = stock
discard_command_output = true
dynamic_repaint_delay = false
enable_input_method_v2 = false
enable_opaque_region_damage_optimizations = false
enable_so_unloading = false
force_preferred_decoration_mode = false
remove_output_limits = false
use_external_output_configuration = false

activate = <ctrl> <super> BTN_RIGHT
activate-3d = <shift> <super> BTN_RIGHT
invert = false
reset = <ctrl> <super> KEY_R
reset-one = <super> KEY_R
reset_radius = 25.000000
sensitivity = 24

label_duration = 2000ms linear

end_timeout = 0
focus_mode = no_gesture
initiate = BTN_RIGHT
resize_edges = bottom_right
start_timeout = 0
stroke_color = \#B31A1AFF
stroke_width = 2
target_view_mouse = true
touchpad_pinch_sensitivity = 200
touchpad_scroll_sensitivity = 1.000000

portal = /usr/libexec/xdg-desktop-portal-wlr

interpolation_method = 0
modifier = <super> 
smoothing_duration = 300ms linear
speed = 0.010000

Debian Sid
Xfce 4.20 with Wayland/Labwc


#6 2025-01-18 15:18:18

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,677
LinuxFirefox 134.0

Re: Some Odd Differences Since Wayland

Do you have the GTK_CSD environment variable set?

I tried your wayfire.ini config file and all looks good here. With or without GTK_CSD set.

Have you tried using a test account? See if its a profile issue.

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#7 2025-01-18 17:43:30

From: ON, Canada
Registered: 2008-10-25
Posts: 601
LinuxFirefox 134.0

Re: Some Odd Differences Since Wayland

I have it set GTK_CSD=0 in /etc/environment. It's been working up until recently I'll try and set up another account.

Added later 56 min 30 s:
New user created and the results are the same. I didn't move/copy or create any config files for the new user.




Debian Sid
Xfce 4.20 with Wayland/Labwc


#8 2025-01-18 22:45:53

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,677
LinuxFirefox 134.0

Re: Some Odd Differences Since Wayland

Do you have that gtk-nocsd package installed?

What version of wayfire and labwc are you running?

Siduction distro, right?

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#9 2025-01-18 22:57:46

From: ON, Canada
Registered: 2008-10-25
Posts: 601
LinuxFirefox 134.0

Re: Some Odd Differences Since Wayland

ToZ wrote:

Do you have that gtk-nocsd package installed?

Package: gtk3-nocsd
Version: 3-2

What version of wayfire and labwc are you running?

Package: wayfire
Version: 0.9.0-5

Package: labwc
Version: 0.8.2-2

Siduction distro, right?

Yes, completely up to date as of this morning.

Debian Sid
Xfce 4.20 with Wayland/Labwc


#10 2025-01-18 23:34:08

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,677
LinuxFirefox 134.0

Re: Some Odd Differences Since Wayland

What happens if you remove gtk3-nocsd?

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#11 2025-01-19 11:04:19

From: ON, Canada
Registered: 2008-10-25
Posts: 601
LinuxFirefox 134.0

Re: Some Odd Differences Since Wayland

Removing grk3-nocsd has corrected the windows it seems. I still have the short desktop menu in Labwc only though.

Debian Sid
Xfce 4.20 with Wayland/Labwc


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