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#1 2017-12-31 05:27:12

Registered: 2017-12-31
Posts: 3

No video thumbs in thunar


I use xfce4, thunar-1.6.10-rc1, tumbler-0.1.-31-rc1, ffmpegthumbnailer-2.2.0. The problem is that I do not have video thumbs. I have compiled all three packages with ffmpeg, gstreamer and other media flags enabled. Tumbler is able to generate images thumbs, but not videos. I tried to change gstreamer and ffmpegthumbnailer priorities in /etc/xdg/tumblerrc without any luck. I followed forums of several distributions related to the issue, majority suggest to remove Thunar and thumbs folders, but this does not help either.

The full story is a bit more complex. After linux install I had no video thumbs. I followed forum suggestions to install several gst plugins which fixed problem. After some time I installed first qt package on my system which pulled qt dependencies. After this change tumbler stopped working again. It is very likely that qt is related because during installation video thumbs disappeared and reappeared several times, until finally they were gone.


#2 2017-12-31 12:17:53

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,705

Re: No video thumbs in thunar

Hello and welcome.

I use xfce4, thunar-1.6.10-rc1, tumbler-0.1.-31-rc1, ffmpegthumbnailer-2.2.0.

Which distro are you using?
rc1 usually indicates a release candidate. Are there final candidate versions of those packages available for your distro?

The problem is that I do not have video thumbs.

Any particular video format or all formats?
Where are the thumbnails located? (local drive, network share, usb drive, etc)

I have compiled all three packages with ffmpeg, gstreamer and other media flags enabled.

Can you post the results of the "./configure" or "./autogen.sh" script when run?

I tried to change gstreamer and ffmpegthumbnailer priorities in /etc/xdg/tumblerrc without any luck.

Can you post the current contents of that file and can you confirm that a similar file doesn't exist in ~/.config/tumbler.

After some time I installed first qt package on my system which pulled qt dependencies. After this change tumbler stopped working again.

Which qt packages were installed?

Other things to try:

  1. Run "top" and see if tumblerd is using up alot of cpu cycles while it is running while you are viewing a fiolder with video thumbnails.

  2. Put one video file in a new folder. "pkill tumblerd" and go into that folder. Does the thumbnail generate?

  3. Depending on your system, the tumblerd executable may exist in a different location. On my arch system, it's located at "/usr/lib/tumbler-1/tumblerd". Find the executable and run the following in a terminal window:

    pkill tumblerd && /usr/lib/tumbler-1/tumblerd

    ...go to a folder with video files and post back all that is displayed in the terminal window.

  4. Create a secondary account on your system, log in as that account, copy over one video file and see if thumbnailing works there.

Last edited by ToZ (2017-12-31 12:19:27)

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#3 2017-12-31 18:55:50

Registered: 2017-12-31
Posts: 3

Re: No video thumbs in thunar

ToZ wrote:

Hello and welcome.

Hi! Thanks for the reply.

ToZ wrote:

Which distro are you using?
rc1 usually indicates a release candidate. Are there final candidate versions of those packages available for your distro?

Can you post the results of the "./configure" or "./autogen.sh" script when run?

I use gentoo. I mean I compiled not manually, but via portage, so I do not think I can provide ./configure && ./autogen output.

ToZ wrote:

Any particular video format or all formats?
Where are the thumbnails located? (local drive, network share, usb drive, etc)

Good catch. I do not have thumbs for mp4, webm and mpg files. They are recognized as video/mpeg mime type. I do have thumbs for avi files (video/ms-video).
Just as a try, I renamed mp4 file to avi to test what happens. Tumbler does not generate thumb for renamed avi file, so I guess thumb works on mime type, not file extension. Video files are partially located in ~/Videos folder and partially on separate drive which I mount as /mnt. In thunar options I have 'Show local only' option.

Can you post the current contents of that file and can you confirm that a similar file doesn't exist in ~/.config/tumbler.

There is no such file in user directory.

# [TypeNameOfPlugin]
# Disabled:    Set to true to avoid loading the plugin. By default all
#              plugins are loaded.
# Priority:    Priority of the plugin if more plugins support the same
#              uri-scheme / mime-type combination.
# Locations:   ;-separated path list the plugin will be used in. If the
#              source file is not a child of one of the locations, the
#              plugin won't be used and another plugin with a lower
#              priority will be tried.
#              Absolute paths, environement variables, ~/ and ~username/
#              are allowed. Leave empty to allow all locations.
# MaxFileSize: Maximum size of the source file the plugin will still
#              try to generate a plugin for. The size is in bytes,
#              0 disabled the check.
# For more information see http://docs.xfce.org/xfce/thunar/tumbler

# Image Thumbnailers

# Jpeg thumbnailer (from exif data if possible)

# Supports all type GdkPixbuf supports

# RAW image files using libopenraw

# Video Thumbnailers

# Download cover from omdbapi.com or themoviedb.org if an
# API key is given. This plugin is disabled because it
# sends your (private) movie names over the internet.

# ffmpegthumbnailer plugin

# GStreamer plugin

# Other Thumbnailers

# FreeType thumbnailer

# PDF/PS thumbnailer

# Open document thumbnailer (ODF)

Above there is output of '/etc/xdg/tumbler/tumbler.rc' file. Also as a trick I tried to switch priority of gstreamer and ffmpegthumbnailer without any luck. After this I reverted priorities back to default.

ToZ wrote:

Which qt packages were installed?

Frankly, I remember many qt packages. Below there is dependency graph for rstudio. Prior to rstudio install, I had no qt packages, so rstudio must have pulled all of qt. I am not sure regarding those, unrelated to qt. So I am sure that all mentioned qt packages in dependency graph were installed, regarding non-qt - they could have been installed prior to rstudio, or with it.

   `--  app-text/pandoc-  (app-text/pandoc) amd64 
   `--  dev-haskell/pandoc-citeproc-  (dev-haskell/pandoc-citeproc) amd64 
   `--  dev-libs/openssl-1.0.2n  (dev-libs/openssl) amd64 
   `--  sys-apps/util-linux-2.30.2  (sys-apps/util-linux) amd64 
   `--  virtual/jre-1.8.0-r1  (>=virtual/jre-1.8) amd64 
   `--  x11-libs/pango-1.40.12  (x11-libs/pango) amd64 
   `--  dev-qt/qtcore-5.7.1-r3  (>=dev-qt/qtcore-5.4) amd64 
   `--  dev-qt/qtdeclarative-5.7.1-r1  (>=dev-qt/qtdeclarative-5.4) amd64 
   `--  dev-qt/qtdbus-5.7.1  (>=dev-qt/qtdbus-5.4) amd64 
   `--  dev-qt/qtgui-5.7.1-r1  (>=dev-qt/qtgui-5.4) amd64 
   `--  dev-qt/qtnetwork-5.7.1  (>=dev-qt/qtnetwork-5.4) amd64 
   `--  dev-qt/qtopengl-5.7.1  (>=dev-qt/qtopengl-5.4) amd64 
   `--  dev-qt/qtpositioning-5.7.1  (>=dev-qt/qtpositioning-5.4) amd64 
   `--  dev-qt/qtprintsupport-5.7.1  (>=dev-qt/qtprintsupport-5.4) amd64 
   `--  dev-qt/qtsingleapplication-2.6.1_p20150629  (>=dev-qt/qtsingleapplication-2.6.1_p20150629) amd64  [X qt5]
   `--  dev-qt/qtsensors-5.7.1  (>=dev-qt/qtsensors-5.4) amd64 
   `--  dev-qt/qtsql-5.7.1-r1  (>=dev-qt/qtsql-5.4) amd64 
   `--  dev-qt/qtsvg-5.7.1  (>=dev-qt/qtsvg-5.4) amd64 
   `--  dev-qt/qtwebchannel-5.7.1  (>=dev-qt/qtwebchannel-5.4) amd64 
   `--  dev-qt/qtwebkit-5.7.1  (>=dev-qt/qtwebkit-5.4) amd64 
   `--  dev-qt/qtwidgets-5.7.1  (>=dev-qt/qtwidgets-5.4) amd64 
   `--  dev-qt/qtxml-5.7.1  (>=dev-qt/qtxml-5.4) amd64 
   `--  dev-qt/qtxmlpatterns-5.7.1  (>=dev-qt/qtxmlpatterns-5.4) amd64 
   `--  virtual/pam-0-r1  (virtual/pam) amd64 
   `--  dev-java/ant-core-1.9.2  (dev-java/ant-core) amd64 
   `--  sys-devel/make-4.2.1  (sys-devel/make) amd64 
   `--  dev-util/cmake-3.9.6  (>=dev-util/cmake-3.7.2) amd64 
   `--  sys-apps/sed-4.2.2  (>=sys-apps/sed-4) amd64 
   `--  dev-java/java-config-2.2.0-r3  (>=dev-java/java-config-2.2.0-r3) amd64 
ToZ wrote:

Other things to try:

  1. Run "top" and see if tumblerd is using up alot of cpu cycles while it is running while you are viewing a fiolder with video thumbnails.

  2. Put one video file in a new folder. "pkill tumblerd" and go into that folder. Does the thumbnail generate?

  3. Depending on your system, the tumblerd executable may exist in a different location. On my arch system, it's located at "/usr/lib/tumbler-1/tumblerd". Find the executable and run the following in a terminal window:

    pkill tumblerd && /usr/lib/tumbler-1/tumblerd

    ...go to a folder with video files and post back all that is displayed in the terminal window.

  4. Create a secondary account on your system, log in as that account, copy over one video file and see if thumbnailing works there.

1. I have heard about this issue many times when I was looking for my problem, but this is completely different issue. I have no video thumbs, not cpu overhead. Nevertheless, I invoked 'htop' and opened video folders. Except cpu usage jumping from 5% to 15% for 1 second there is no cpu overhead.
2. I did same (I believe) trick dozens of times. After any changes to system which can solve my problem, I exit startx, look that 'tumblerd' process exists (I think there is no difference between killing non-exiting tumblerd on arch system - where it seems to preserve across x sessions, and gentoo system where it exists after exiting from startx), remove thunar config directory and .cache/thumnails directory. There is no luck. By the way, thumbnails in my system are generated in.cache/thumbnails and not .thumbnails. I do not know whether it is important or not. I am confident in location because I see image files thumbs in .cache/thumbnails.
3. I tried this trick, but it not worked: tumblerd seems to fork and does not output anything, it just returns to shell. I have just executed 'pkill tumblerd && /usr/lib/tumbler-1/tumblerd' - same as previously - no luck. (by the way, tumbler was compiled with debug USE flag)

Happy new Year to xfce people:)

Last edited by mxfm (2017-12-31 18:57:37)


#4 2017-12-31 19:32:40

Registered: 2017-12-31
Posts: 3

Re: No video thumbs in thunar

Well, the point 4 seems to solve the problem - I have video thumbs on new test account.
I will dig into comparing my and test account to see what causes the difference ...


I have looked at default files in .config, .cache and other folders and have not found any difference. Still no clue why tumbler does not show video thumbs in my account.

Last edited by mxfm (2018-01-02 15:12:53)


#5 2018-01-16 02:42:54

From: Where Mr. Bankruptcy is Prez
Registered: 2013-03-24
Posts: 1,115

Re: No video thumbs in thunar

I hesitated before posting, because I am too ignorant about these things to know whether or not it matters in your case - or even why it appeared to matter in mine. Also because I am currently dealing with some vision-related issues and merely skimmed over this thread instead of giving it a thorough "look" (having been away from the forum for a time, there are many threads that I am trying to catch up on); therefore, this suggestion may already have been posted...

I once had an issue with thumbnails of video files not being properly displayed. I made some changes, as and when they were suggested to me. But I was still having the issue. Then (if I am remembering correctly), I had occasion to move one of my video files into a different directory - and, when I did, a correct video thumbnail was created for the file!

When I remarked upon this, someone told me to delete my thumbnails directory. I did so, and I then had thumbnails for all of my video files. From the slight delay in displaying them each time I viewed (with Thunar) each directory - that contained one or more video files - for the first time after deleting the thumbnails directory, I thought this to be evidence that the thumbnails were being created at that point.

I assumed - and I readily admit that I might have been mistaken in my assumption - that, for whatever reason, my system "thought" that thumbnails had already been created for the files that I did not have thumbnails for. In other words, that the changes which had been suggested to me had actually fixed my issue, but that I must have needed to ensure that the system no longer "thought" it had already created thumbnails. If that makes any sense.

The reason I did end up deciding to post was that I read your new/test account was displaying the thumbnails; as this was a new account, the system had no previous "thumbnail entries" for those video files in that user's thumbnails directory. And I am assuming that, with your regular account, you have already viewed the video files' directories before attempting to correct your issue.

My conclusion is that it would be worth a try to delete your regular account's thumbnail directory (or directories, if your system has more than one?). This will force your system to attempt to create ALL of your thumbnails afresh.


Mountain Dew Maniac

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