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I've been trying to figure this out for a couple of days now and am having quite a bit of trouble. I hate how freakishly large the Pulse Audio plugin is in XFCE. I used this post on the Arch forum to help me resize the icon. In my ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css I added
#pulseaudio-button {
padding: 10px;
which nets me this result.
I know from the forum post that if there isn't sufficient space, the icon will clip, but how can I make the icon smaller without it clipping? I just want the icon to be smaller without clipping. I made the panel much larger in order to do some testing, with the following contents in my gtk.css
#pulseaudio-button {
padding: 30px;
#xfce4-clipman-plugin {
padding: 30px;
which nets me this result.
Removing the #xfce4-clipman-plugin section, I get this result.
At least to me, this means there should be sufficient space, but I can't figure out why there would be sufficient space for one icon's padding, but not another.
It's worth mentioning that if I give padding: 10px to #xfce4-clipman-plugin with the smaller panel size (32px), I do get some clipping.
In short, I can't figure out how to make the Pulse Audio plugin icon smaller. Can someone help me out?
Hello and welcome.
I had also noticed the same recently. I am currently using the elementary-xfce icon set. Interestingly, if I set the icon set to just elementary, the icon was sized properly. My fix was to copy the audio-volume-* icons from the elementary set to the elementary-xfce set.
However, this doesn't address the issue that something changed recently with xfce4-pulseadio-plugin icon handling. If your using the default package from the Arch repositories, it would include this commit that supposedly fixed an issue with the icon size. There is also this bug report that is related.
I'm not sure where the issue is. Icon handling has changed in the pulseaudio-plugin and this change appears to have made it's way into the xfce4-panel 4.13 code (though I don't see the issue with other plugins). Perhaps posting in that bug report would bring it to the attention of the developer.
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Hello and welcome.
I had also noticed the same recently. I am currently using the elementary-xfce icon set. Interestingly, if I set the icon set to just elementary, the icon was sized properly. My fix was to copy the audio-volume-* icons from the elementary set to the elementary-xfce set.
However, this doesn't address the issue that something changed recently with xfce4-pulseadio-plugin icon handling. If your using the default package from the Arch repositories, it would include this commit that supposedly fixed an issue with the icon size. There is also this bug report that is related.
I'm not sure where the issue is. Icon handling has changed in the pulseaudio-plugin and this change appears to have made it's way into the xfce4-panel 4.13 code (though I don't see the issue with other plugins). Perhaps posting in that bug report would bring it to the attention of the developer.
Sadly, I'm not on Arch, so I can't get that commit. I'm on Fedora and using the latest XFCE available in dnf. With that said, Paper-Mono-Dark seems to have a similar effect as the elementary icons you're describing, in that the PA icon is sized sanely. I ran the following commands, after making a copy of Papirus with the name changed in index.theme, to no avail (in that the PA icon is still freakishly large). I'll give the elementary icons a test run and report back.
newpath=/home/nick/.local/share/icons/Papirus\ with\ audio\ fix
cp ~/.local/share/icons/Paper-Mono-Dark/22x22/panel/audio-volume-* $newpath/22x22/panel/
cp ~/.local/share/icons/Paper-Mono-Dark/24x24/panel/audio-volume-* $newpath/24x24/panel/
EDIT: I ran similar commands for the elementary set, to no avail.
Last edited by ollien (2017-08-07 18:24:30)
The icon folder names need to be the same. For elementary-xfce, the following works for me:
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/icons/elementary-xfce/status/24
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/icons/elementary-xfce/status/48
cp /usr/share/icons/elementary/status/24/audio-volume-* ~/.local/share/icons/elementary-xfce/status/24/
cp /usr/share/icons/elementary/status/48/audio-volume-* ~/.local/share/icons/elementary-xfce/status/48/
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The icon folder names need to be the same. For elementary-xfce, the following works for me:
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/icons/elementary-xfce/status/24 mkdir -p ~/.local/share/icons/elementary-xfce/status/48 cp /usr/share/icons/elementary/status/24/audio-volume-* ~/.local/share/icons/elementary-xfce/status/24/ cp /usr/share/icons/elementary/status/48/audio-volume-* ~/.local/share/icons/elementary-xfce/status/48/
Huh. My theme doesn't have some of the directories that Elementary has. Here's the output of
tree -d
for my theme directory.
Papirus\ audio\ fix
├── 16x16
│ ├── actions
│ ├── apps
│ ├── categories -> apps
│ ├── devices
│ ├── emblems
│ ├── extra
│ │ └── clementine
│ ├── mimetypes
│ ├── places
│ └── status
├── 16x16@2x -> 16x16
├── 22x22
│ ├── actions
│ ├── animations
│ ├── apps
│ ├── categories -> apps
│ ├── devices
│ ├── emblems
│ ├── mimetypes
│ ├── panel
│ ├── places
│ └── status
├── 22x22@2x -> 22x22
├── 24x24
│ ├── actions
│ ├── animations
│ ├── apps
│ ├── categories -> apps
│ ├── devices
│ ├── emblems
│ ├── mimetypes
│ ├── panel
│ ├── places
│ └── status
├── 24x24@2x -> 24x24
├── 32x32
│ ├── apps
│ ├── categories -> apps
│ ├── devices
│ ├── emblems
│ ├── mimetypes
│ ├── places
│ └── status
├── 32x32@2x -> 32x32
├── 48x48
│ ├── apps
│ ├── categories -> apps
│ ├── devices
│ ├── emblems
│ ├── mimetypes
│ ├── places
│ └── status
├── 48x48@2x -> 48x48
├── 64x64
│ ├── apps
│ ├── categories -> apps
│ ├── devices
│ ├── mimetypes
│ └── places
├── 64x64@2x -> 64x64
├── extra
│ ├── unity
│ └── unity-tweak-tool
│ └── 48
└── symbolic
├── actions
├── apps
├── categories
├── devices
├── emblems
├── emotes
├── mimetypes
├── places
└── status
I copied the elementary icons from status/24 to 24x24/status and the elementary icons from status/48 to 48x48/status, to no avail.
Rename "Papirus\ audio\ fix" to just "Papirus". The font folder names need to be the same. Then just copy over the correct audio-volume-* from the Paper-Mono-Dark theme, like this:
cp ~/.local/share/icons/Paper-Mono-Dark/22x22/panel/audio-volume-* $newpath/22x22/panel/
cp ~/.local/share/icons/Paper-Mono-Dark/24x24/panel/audio-volume-* $newpath/24x24/panel/
This assumes that you Papirus is the icon theme that you are using. Also make sure you get all of the audio-volume-* icons from the Paper-Mono-Dark theme from the various directories (to be sure to get the correct one).
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Rename "Papirus\ audio\ fix" to just "Papirus". The font folder names need to be the same. Then just copy over the correct audio-volume-* from the Paper-Mono-Dark theme, like this:
newpath=/home/nick/.local/share/icons/Papirus cp ~/.local/share/icons/Paper-Mono-Dark/22x22/panel/audio-volume-* $newpath/22x22/panel/ cp ~/.local/share/icons/Paper-Mono-Dark/24x24/panel/audio-volume-* $newpath/24x24/panel/
This assumes that you Papirus is the icon theme that you are using. Also make sure you get all of the audio-volume-* icons from the Paper-Mono-Dark theme from the various directories (to be sure to get the correct one).
Does it matter that the theme name is different? Like I said I changed the name in the index.theme to match the folder name.
Also, this is the output of ls ***/audio-volume-* in Paper-Mono-Dark. This output would imply that the audio-volume-* icons only exist in the two aforementioned directories.
22x22/panel/audio-volume-high-panel.svg 24x24/panel/audio-volume-high-panel.svg
22x22/panel/audio-volume-high.svg 24x24/panel/audio-volume-high.svg
22x22/panel/audio-volume-high-symbolic.svg 24x24/panel/audio-volume-high-symbolic.svg
22x22/panel/audio-volume-low-panel.svg 24x24/panel/audio-volume-low-panel.svg
22x22/panel/audio-volume-low.svg 24x24/panel/audio-volume-low.svg
22x22/panel/audio-volume-low-symbolic.svg 24x24/panel/audio-volume-low-symbolic.svg
22x22/panel/audio-volume-low-zero-panel.svg 24x24/panel/audio-volume-low-zero-panel.svg
22x22/panel/audio-volume-medium-panel.svg 24x24/panel/audio-volume-medium-panel.svg
22x22/panel/audio-volume-medium.svg 24x24/panel/audio-volume-medium.svg
22x22/panel/audio-volume-medium-symbolic.svg 24x24/panel/audio-volume-medium-symbolic.svg
22x22/panel/audio-volume-muted-blocking.svg 24x24/panel/audio-volume-muted-blocking.svg
22x22/panel/audio-volume-muted-blocking-symbolic.svg 24x24/panel/audio-volume-muted-blocking-symbolic.svg
22x22/panel/audio-volume-muted-panel.svg 24x24/panel/audio-volume-muted-panel.svg
22x22/panel/audio-volume-muted.svg 24x24/panel/audio-volume-muted.svg
22x22/panel/audio-volume-muted-symbolic.svg 24x24/panel/audio-volume-muted-symbolic.svg
Does it matter that the theme name is different? Like I said I changed the name in the index.theme to match the folder name.
If you've created a new theme make sure to run "gtk-update-icon-cache" in that theme's folder.
Also, this is the output of ls ***/audio-volume-* in Paper-Mono-Dark. This output would imply that the audio-volume-* icons only exist in the two aforementioned directories.
22x22/panel/audio-volume-high-panel.svg 24x24/panel/audio-volume-high-panel.svg 22x22/panel/audio-volume-high.svg 24x24/panel/audio-volume-high.svg 22x22/panel/audio-volume-high-symbolic.svg 24x24/panel/audio-volume-high-symbolic.svg 22x22/panel/audio-volume-low-panel.svg 24x24/panel/audio-volume-low-panel.svg 22x22/panel/audio-volume-low.svg 24x24/panel/audio-volume-low.svg 22x22/panel/audio-volume-low-symbolic.svg 24x24/panel/audio-volume-low-symbolic.svg 22x22/panel/audio-volume-low-zero-panel.svg 24x24/panel/audio-volume-low-zero-panel.svg 22x22/panel/audio-volume-medium-panel.svg 24x24/panel/audio-volume-medium-panel.svg 22x22/panel/audio-volume-medium.svg 24x24/panel/audio-volume-medium.svg 22x22/panel/audio-volume-medium-symbolic.svg 24x24/panel/audio-volume-medium-symbolic.svg 22x22/panel/audio-volume-muted-blocking.svg 24x24/panel/audio-volume-muted-blocking.svg 22x22/panel/audio-volume-muted-blocking-symbolic.svg 24x24/panel/audio-volume-muted-blocking-symbolic.svg 22x22/panel/audio-volume-muted-panel.svg 24x24/panel/audio-volume-muted-panel.svg 22x22/panel/audio-volume-muted.svg 24x24/panel/audio-volume-muted.svg 22x22/panel/audio-volume-muted-symbolic.svg 24x24/panel/audio-volume-muted-symbolic.svg
Can you post the contents of the index.theme file? Also try moving the folder to ~/.icons.
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If this is still relevant, I solved the problem by using the following:
#pulseaudio-button * {
-gtk-icon-transform: scale(.7);
#xfce4-mount-plugin-6 > * > * {
-gtk-icon-transform: scale(.6);
in ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css. No fiddling with icons required. Obviously, adjust the scale() factors to suit.
Using * selectors is a little hacky, but I haven't found out how to select only the elements containing the respective icons.
@twilk, thanks for sharing. I was wondering how the -gtk-icon-transform parameter worked.
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