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#26 2015-06-03 12:12:33

From: NL
Registered: 2011-09-05
Posts: 38

Re: Desktop icons rearrange on reboot

I had this icon-problem in Linux Lite.
So I experimented as a test with Xubuntu 14.04 (and Xfce 4.10)
With Xfce 4.12 (via PPA) the iconproblem is gone here. big_smile

Last edited by rijnsma (2015-06-03 12:15:56)


#27 2015-06-07 16:39:55

Registered: 2015-06-07
Posts: 2

Re: Desktop icons rearrange on reboot

Hi all,
I am running an Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS. That provides me with XFCE 4.10. I have been using this setup for a year now and it has been working for me. I like the "old fashioned" look and feel and all has been working well.

Recently I got some updates, at least I thought to have seen XFCE when system update was active. And since that time the icons do not stick to their position when rebooting. It is a bit disappointing. Maybe a bit moor than a bit.... It is stupid.

I noticed that when I log out, not shutting down the system, and re-log in all icons are there where I left them.

However, when I shut the system and boot it later, most of the icons have moved.
Most (!) icons are moved to the left hand edge of the desktop. A few JPEGs remain at their position every time and a removable device (thumb drive) is somewhere to the centre right of the screen to my surprise.

Sorry to say but how can it be so hard to simply put icons back where they were? Windows 3.11 did this right. Please note the huge number of "views" on this item; something is not working right for many people.

Last edited by nl_simon (2015-06-07 16:43:44)


#28 2015-06-07 19:24:15

From: NL
Registered: 2011-09-05
Posts: 38

Re: Desktop icons rearrange on reboot

Maybe this? ->
http://www.webupd8.org/2015/03/install- … 04-or.html

I did it that way. It is right now like I wrote.

Last edited by rijnsma (2015-06-07 19:24:47)


#29 2015-06-07 20:10:43

Registered: 2015-06-07
Posts: 2

Re: Desktop icons rearrange on reboot

rijnsma wrote:

Maybe this? ->
http://www.webupd8.org/2015/03/install- … 04-or.html

I did it that way. It is right now like I wrote.

Hi Rijnsma, Yeah it does work, I will admit. But is this a reasonable solution? Why does it become a mess? I has been working for some time and then someone decides to "update" my system and my desktop gets messed up. So I am still running a 3 year old version of XFCE (4.10 was from 2012) but now, since the update, WITH an annoying error.

Maybe I was a bit grumpy; why does the Linux community not seem able to sort these trivial things? You don't expect a freshly installed system not to boot (as I had with this one). Neither do you expect not to be able to play Youtube video's. Yes, I know the reasons, but still. And at that same level I would expect my desktop to remain as I set it. You would not like your maid to re-arrange the things in the kitchen every day. You expect the salt to be in a particular cabinet, like you expect to find the dishes and the other utensils where you put them.

Anyway, thank you for the pointer! Although I find it avoidance rather than solving. Thanks.

Regards,  Simon.

PS: Nice example on Linux support: Solved within 4 hours on a Sunday evening! No company is going to beat this.

Last edited by nl_simon (2015-06-07 20:12:33)


#30 2015-06-07 20:31:51

From: NL
Registered: 2011-09-05
Posts: 38

Re: Desktop icons rearrange on reboot

I don't know the reason of 'the mess', but I know a lot has happened and in a very fast pace in softwareland.
KDE, Gnome, Qt, other filesystems (ext4, btrfs), grub2, 64 bits after 32, mobiles, system-d  and it looks like it will continue.
The Linux community is most of the time a little slow in these things.
I agree: better no updates of things when it can 'break' like the icons on the desktop...!

Anyway, thank you for the pointer! Although I find it avoidance rather than solving. Thanks.

Regards,  Simon.

PS: Nice example on Linux support: Solved within 4 hours on a Sunday evening! No company is going to beat this.

You're welcome nl_Simon. :wink:


#31 2015-09-10 09:19:36

Registered: 2015-09-10
Posts: 2

Re: Desktop icons rearrange on reboot

Wow this sure works great!   I followed sixwingsfire instructions but changed the "iconlockset.sh" file.
I had to add " exec chmod +x IconLockSet.desktop " (without quotes) in the "iconlockset.sh" file in both the locked and unlocked scripts to keep the file executeable. My new file with changes is below.


if grep -q "LockStatus=Locked" "/home/xxx/Desktop/IconLockSet.desktop"; then
   echo "It is Locked...we will Unlock it"
   sudo chattr -i ~/.config/xfce4/desktop/icons*
   sed '/Icon=/ c\Icon=\/home\/xxx\/Linux_stuff\/Icons\/icon-unlock.png' < /home/xxx/Desktop/IconLockSet.desktop > /home/xxx/Desktop/tmp.desktop
   rm /home/xxx/Desktop/IconLockSet.desktop
   sed '/LockStatus=/ c\LockStatus=Unlocked' < /home/xxx/Desktop/tmp.desktop > /home/xxx/Desktop/IconLockSet.desktop
   rm /home/xxx/Desktop/tmp.desktop
   exec chmod +x IconLockSet.desktop
if grep -q "LockStatus=Unlocked" "/home/xxx/Desktop/IconLockSet.desktop"; then
    echo "It is UnLocked...we will Lock it"
    sed '/Icon=/ c\Icon=\/home\/xxx\/Linux_stuff\/Icons\/icon-lock.png' < /home/xxx/Desktop/IconLockSet.desktop > /home/xxx/Desktop/tmp.desktop
    rm /home/xxx/Desktop/IconLockSet.desktop
    sed '/LockStatus=/ c\LockStatus=Locked' < /home/xxx/Desktop/tmp.desktop > /home/xxx/Desktop/IconLockSet.desktop
    rm /home/xxx/Desktop/tmp.desktop
    sudo chattr +i ~/.config/xfce4/desktop/icons*
    exec chmod +x IconLockSet.desktop




#32 2015-09-14 08:52:23

Registered: 2014-10-25
Posts: 3

Re: Desktop icons rearrange on reboot


You can omit the annoying password query for sudo, if you just make the directory read-only. So a more comfortable solution could be something like


if grep -q "LockStatus=Locked" $IconLockSet; then
  chmod 750 $HOME/.config/xfce4/desktop
  perl -i -pe 's/^Icon=.*\Kicon-lock\.png/icon-unlock.png/' $IconLockSet
  perl -i -pe 's/^LockStatus=\K.*/Unlocked/' $IconLockSet
else if grep -q "LockStatus=Unlocked" $IconLockSet; then
  perl -i -pe 's/^Icon=.*\Kicon-unlock\.png/icon-lock.png/' $IconLockSet
  perl -i -pe 's/^LockStatus=\K.*/Locked/' $IconLockSet
  chmod 550 $HOME/.config/xfce4/desktop

* no password query
* no exchange of "xxx" by username needed, because theres a environment variable $HOME which always contains your home path
* no "exec chmod +x IconLockSet.desktop" needed every time. It's enough to do that once.

Anyway: This does not really fix the bug, but is just a work-around.



#33 2015-09-15 04:31:27

Registered: 2015-09-10
Posts: 2

Re: Desktop icons rearrange on reboot

Thanks Seth. Your script works great. I did have to add -R on the two chmod lines because it was locking the files in the folder.


if grep -q "LockStatus=Locked" $IconLockSet; then
  chmod 750 $HOME/.config/xfce4/desktop -R
  perl -i -pe 's/^Icon=.*\Kicon-lock\.png/icon-unlock.png/' $IconLockSet
  perl -i -pe 's/^LockStatus=\K.*/Unlocked/' $IconLockSet
else if grep -q "LockStatus=Unlocked" $IconLockSet; then
  perl -i -pe 's/^Icon=.*\Kicon-unlock\.png/icon-lock.png/' $IconLockSet
  perl -i -pe 's/^LockStatus=\K.*/Locked/' $IconLockSet
  chmod 550 $HOME/.config/xfce4/desktop -R


#34 2015-09-16 00:27:47

Registered: 2014-10-25
Posts: 3

Re: Desktop icons rearrange on reboot

Hi panamabob!

I guess, the files inside $HOME/.config/xfce4/desktop/ won't be modified but simply overwritten by the xfce-desktop. So in my opinion, a 'chmod -w' on the files will be useless. But if the directory is read-only, then the files can't be rewritten.

Apart from that 'chmod 550 $HOME/.config/xfce4/desktop -R' does not make sense, because the files in that directory are not executable.



#35 2016-02-11 10:04:48

Registered: 2016-02-11
Posts: 1

Re: Desktop icons rearrange on reboot

Wow... way too complicated. A better way is...

Create this script:

#! /bin/sh
chattr +i ~/.config/xfce4/desktop/icons*
sleep 40
chattr -i ~/.config/xfce4/desktop/icons*

Give exec permissions to the script, add the script to the sudoers and run it as root in autostart


Last edited by dga (2016-02-11 14:35:39)


#36 2016-03-05 22:02:42

Registered: 2015-11-20
Posts: 2

Re: Desktop icons rearrange on reboot

shakebake wrote:

Here is a kludge that I did.
Put this script in your scripts folder:
It should be named "IconLockSet.sh"


if grep -q "LockStatus=Locked" "/home/xxx/Desktop/IconLockSet.desktop"; then
   echo "It is Locked...we will Unlock it"
   sudo chattr -i ~/.config/xfce4/desktop/icons*
   sed '/Icon=/ c\Icon=\/home\/xxx\/Linux_stuff\/Icons\/icon-unlock.png' < /home/xxx/Desktop/IconLockSet.desktop > /home/xxx/Desktop/tmp.desktop
   rm /home/xxx/Desktop/IconLockSet.desktop
   sed '/LockStatus=/ c\LockStatus=Unlocked' < /home/xxx/Desktop/tmp.desktop > /home/xxx/Desktop/IconLockSet.desktop
   rm /home/xxx/Desktop/tmp.desktop
 if grep -q "LockStatus=Unlocked" "/home/xxx/Desktop/IconLockSet.desktop"; then
    echo "It is UnLocked...we will Lock it"
    sed '/Icon=/ c\Icon=\/home\/xxx\/Linux_stuff\/Icons\/icon-lock.png' < /home/xxx/Desktop/IconLockSet.desktop > /home/xxx/Desktop/tmp.desktop
    rm /home/xxx/Desktop/IconLockSet.desktop
    sed '/LockStatus=/ c\LockStatus=Locked' < /home/xxx/Desktop/tmp.desktop > /home/xxx/Desktop/IconLockSet.desktop
    rm /home/xxx/Desktop/tmp.desktop
    sudo chattr +i ~/.config/xfce4/desktop/icons*




The disadvantage of this approach is that chattr requires sudo. So this recipe fails for a user who is not in the sudoers list.

P.S.: I just realized that according to http://www.xfce.org/about/news/?post=1425081600 xfce4 version 4.12 has been released. I scanned this announcement for the keyword "icon", but the two hits did not claim that this error is corrected but rather that new features have been added. Is someone out there who might tell me if the root cause of the error has been recognized and fixed? (Perhaps it was not considered worth telling about the fixed error in the announcement which I mentioned.)

Last edited by passer-domesticus (2016-03-06 09:25:02)


#37 2016-03-05 22:08:03

Registered: 2015-11-20
Posts: 2

Re: Desktop icons rearrange on reboot

seth wrote:


You can omit the annoying password query for sudo, if you just make the directory read-only. So a more comfortable solution could be something like


if grep -q "LockStatus=Locked" $IconLockSet; then
  chmod 750 $HOME/.config/xfce4/desktop
  perl -i -pe 's/^Icon=.*\Kicon-lock\.png/icon-unlock.png/' $IconLockSet
  perl -i -pe 's/^LockStatus=\K.*/Unlocked/' $IconLockSet
else if grep -q "LockStatus=Unlocked" $IconLockSet; then
  perl -i -pe 's/^Icon=.*\Kicon-unlock\.png/icon-lock.png/' $IconLockSet
  perl -i -pe 's/^LockStatus=\K.*/Locked/' $IconLockSet
  chmod 550 $HOME/.config/xfce4/desktop


I was glad to find a recipe which does not require to be a sudoer like the approach discussed above using sudo chattr...
So I implemented this one but I get a message

-i used with no filenames on the command line, reading from STDIN. 

Unfortunately I can not program in perl. What's wrong here?


#38 2017-09-11 07:34:30

Registered: 2013-04-22
Posts: 4

Re: Desktop icons rearrange on reboot

The bug report https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9192 linked somewhere in this thread is marked as solved, but for me the issue is still there on Xfce 4.12. Is anybody else affected? Maybe the bug report should be reopened?


#39 2017-09-11 10:10:53

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,688

Re: Desktop icons rearrange on reboot

Photon wrote:

The bug report https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9192 linked somewhere in this thread is marked as solved, but for me the issue is still there on Xfce 4.12. Is anybody else affected? Maybe the bug report should be reopened?

Maybe this bug report is also relevant to your issue - it has not yet been resolved. Though, using the new 4.13 development release of xfdesktop, I don't see the icon re-arrangement issue any more. They tend to stay put.

Mark solved threads as [SOLVED] to make it easier for others to find solutions.
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#40 2017-09-11 13:47:19

Registered: 2013-04-22
Posts: 4

Re: Desktop icons rearrange on reboot

Thanks, this seem to be my problem (though I didn't do such an extensive testing as many of the users who commented in the report)! Seems to be a tough one though...


#41 2017-11-14 15:35:49

Registered: 2014-08-25
Posts: 10

Re: Desktop icons rearrange on reboot

Photon wrote:

The bug report https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9192 linked somewhere in this thread is marked as solved, but for me the issue is still there on Xfce 4.12. Is anybody else affected? Maybe the bug report should be reopened?

Dear all,

I'm still having this issue on Xfce 4.12 and Xubuntu 16.04. Today I'll just upgrade to 17.10 so I hope in Xfce 4.14 > this problem is finally fixed smile

Last edited by m3n3chm0 (2017-11-16 15:36:31)


#42 2017-12-14 06:16:55

Registered: 2017-12-14
Posts: 1

Re: Desktop icons rearrange on reboot

Hello, I've registered just to tell you that I have fixed the issue by simply switching on some default icons (Home and Trash) in "Desktop Settings" menu, under "Icons" tab, "Default Icons".


#43 2019-01-10 16:51:12

Registered: 2019-01-10
Posts: 9

Re: Desktop icons rearrange on reboot

webmate wrote:

Hello, I've registered just to tell you that I have fixed the issue by simply switching on some default icons (Home and Trash) in "Desktop Settings" menu, under "Icons" tab, "Default Icons".

thanks turning those on actually worked


#44 2019-01-14 19:30:04

Registered: 2018-08-28
Posts: 4

Re: Desktop icons rearrange on reboot

I'm running manjaro and recently switched from 4.14 to 4.19, and the problem of icons regularly (but not always) re-arranging seems to have disappeared. Or at least it has greatly decreased in frequency because I don't recall seeing it recently. However, not sure if there is a cause-effect relationship, it didn't really bother me so I didn't keep track.


#45 2020-10-06 15:13:30

Registered: 2020-10-06
Posts: 1

Re: Desktop icons rearrange on reboot

iam using Debian 10.6 buster 64bit and xfce version 4.12 on my old Lenovo Notebook, with dualcore processor. First i add in Session and Startup section, application and autostart tab, a new entry with the already known xfdesktop --reload command.

Name: Deskop icons restore
Descr: Reload xfce desktop
Command: bash -c 'xfdesktop --reload'

Secondary i changed the 'splashscreen / startscreen' to Balou, but without the above command at autostart, this is not successful. Try also to reduce your Desktop-Icon-Size. On Icon-Size >30px at my 1264x745 Screen, first icon-problems appear (without above command). Now iam using 47px icon size, without problems.

No Problems on my office pc Debian 9, 64bit, XFCE 4.12 with icon-size 37px at my 1265x965 Screen and 12 files in ~/.config/xfce4/desktop/. I dont remember, that i ever had problems with my office pc (desktop-icons). Slashscreen is balou here, too.

To do the check on an easy way, of course, i used a bash script (renew file and xfreload), to rearrange the desktop icons. Rough 177 reboots later, it was a good idea.

... works for me.

PS: tested with and without Trash-Icon on desktop


#46 2020-11-02 00:23:52

Registered: 2020-11-02
Posts: 1

Re: Desktop icons rearrange on reboot

This only happens when you have so many icons on your desktop that it overflows.

Make sure that all of your icons are visible by making them smaller. Right click on the desktop. Select Desktop Settings, then click Icons. There you can set the icon size. I'm using XFCE 4.14.


#47 2022-12-20 23:58:35

Registered: 2022-12-19
Posts: 14

Re: Desktop icons rearrange on reboot

This only happens when you have so many icons on your desktop that it overflows.

If you're talking about the "desktop icons rearrange on reboot" problem, that's wrong.
I have this problem now with only 9 icons on my desktop.


#48 2023-06-24 12:22:02

Registered: 2017-01-02
Posts: 16

Re: Desktop icons rearrange on reboot

Hi @ToZ or others. This icon reshuffling problem is once again suddenly affecting me. I can't help but think a recent update like say "gtk-update-icon-cache" may be responsible. I also want to say it started happening a couple weeks ago along with subtle Pulseaudio icon changes in my panel. I can rule out multi-monitors.

Manjaro xfce, unstable branch. Any hints that are recent?


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